A Tale of Two Features: Stable Diffusion Complements DINO for Zero-Shot Semantic Correspondence

Junyi Zhang1 Charles Herrmann2 Junhwa Hur2 Luisa F. PolanĂ­a2
Varun Jampani2 Deqing Sun2 Ming-Hsuan Yang2,3
1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2 Google Research 3 UC Merced
NeurIPS 2023

Check out our follow-up work Telling Left from Right with better semantic correspondence!

On the left, we demonstrate the accuracy of our correspondences and demonstrate the instance swapping process. From top to bottom: Starting with pairs of images (source image in orange box), we fuse Stable Diffusion and DINO features to construct robust representations and build high-quality dense correspondence. This facilitates pixel-level instance swapping, and a subsequent stable-diffusion-based refinement process yields a plausible swapped instance. On the right, we demonstrate the robustness of our approach by matching dog, horses, cows, and even motorcycles to the cat in the source image. Our approach is capable of building reasonable correspondence even when the paired instances exhibit significant differences in categories, shapes, and poses.

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Text-to-image diffusion models have made significant advances in generating and editing high-quality images. As a result, numerous approaches have explored the ability of diffusion model features to understand and process single images for downstream tasks, e.g., classification, semantic segmentation, and stylization. However, significantly less is known about what these features reveal across multiple, different images and objects. In this work, we exploit Stable Diffusion (SD) features for semantic and dense correspondence and discover that with simple post-processing, SD features can perform quantitatively similar to SOTA representations. Interestingly, the qualitative analysis reveals that SD features have very different properties compared to existing representation learning features, such as the recently released DINOv2: while DINOv2 provides sparse but accurate matches, SD features provide high-quality spatial information but sometimes inaccurate semantic matches. We demonstrate that a simple fusion of these two features works surprisingly well, and a zero-shot evaluation using nearest neighbors on these fused features provides a significant performance gain over state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets, e.g., SPair-71k, PF-Pascal, and TSS. We also show that these correspondences can enable interesting applications such as instance swapping in two images.

SD Features for Semantic Correspondence

Could internal representations from text-to-image diffusion models contribute to processing multiple, diverse images? We delve into the application of Stable Diffusion (SD) features for semantic and dense correspondence. Remarkably, our findings indicate that with straightforward post-processing, SD features can compete on a similar quantitative level as State-of-the-Art representations.

Analysis of features from different decoder layers in U-Net

Top: Visualization of PCA-computed features from early (layer 2), intermediate (layers 5 and 8) and final (layer 11) layers. The first three components of PCA, computed across a pair of segmented instances, serve as color channels. Early layers focus more on semantics, while later layers concentrate on textures. Bottom: K-Means clustering of these features. K-Means clusters are computed for each image individually, followed by an application of the Hungarian method to find the optimal match between clusters. The color in each column represents a pair of matched clusters. Last Column: By ensembling features from early and intermediate layers and applying PCA to reduce the dimensions, we can obtain a more robust representation that is able to capture both semantic and texture information.

SD's Shortcomings? DINOv2 to the Rescue!

An intriguing question arises - could SD features offer valuable and complementary semantic correspondences compared to widely explored discriminative features, such as those from the newly released DINOv2 model?

Analysis of different features for correspondence.

We present visualization of PCA for the inputs from DAVIS (left) and dense correspondence for SPair-71k (right). The figures show the performance of SD and DINO features under different inputs: identical instance (top left), pure object masks (bottom left), challenging inputs requiring semantic understanding (right top) and spatial information (right bottom).

Our qualitative analysis reveals that SD features have a strong sense of spatial layout and generate smooth correspondences, but its pixel level matching between two objects can often be inaccurate. While DINOv2 generates sparse but accurate matches, which surprisingly, form a natural complement to the higher spatial information from SD features.

Visualization of the dense correspondence across varying fusion weights.

We demonstrate that by simply normalizing both features and then concantenating the two, the fused representation can utilize the strengths of both feature types (the numbers in the figure denote the fusion weight, with a balance between the two types of features achieved at a weight of 0.5).


Results for dense correspondence.

Instance Swapping

Results for instance swapping.

Concurrent Work

Concurrently, several impressive studies also leverage diffusion features for semantic correspondence:

Emergent Correspondence from Image Diffusion extracts diffusion features for semantic, geometric, and temporal correspondences.

Unsupervised Semantic Correspondence Using Stable Diffusion optimizes the prompt embedding to highlight regions of interest, and then utilizes it for semantic correspondence.

Diffusion Hyperfeatures: Searching Through Time and Space for Semantic Correspondence employs a trained aggregation network to consolidate multi-scale and multi-timestep diffusion features for semantic correspondence.


  title={A Tale of Two Features: Stable Diffusion Complements DINO for Zero-Shot Semantic Correspondence},
  author={Zhang, Junyi and Herrmann, Charles and Hur, Junhwa and Cabrera, Luisa Polania and Jampani, Varun and Sun, Deqing and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
  booktitle={arXiv preprint arxiv:2305.15347},

Acknowledgements: We borrow this template from Dreambooth.